Linux view cpu usage
Linux view cpu usage

linux view cpu usage linux view cpu usage

For a full list of shortcut keys, use man top in ~]$ top -c The -c switch allows you to see program name under COMMAND. You can see overall info like uptime, load average, CPU and memory usage. The top command allow you to view system tasks running in real-time. Linux offers several tools to investigate CPU and memory usage like top, sar, and watch.

  • Tasks performed on your server are taking longer than normal (like backups).
  • Your site displays an error or just spins.
  • Your database driven site (like WordPress) is slow.
  • linux view cpu usage

    Why would I need to check resource usage? Any process taking more than their (expected) fair share, can take the server down completely. All other processes (like email) share the same resources with the sites on your server. If your code uses too much, the site can become slow or stop working altogether. Review CPU and memory on your Linux serverResources like CPU and memory (RAM) are an integral part of your site's functionality.

    Linux view cpu usage